Problem Identified: Farmers don’t always know the ill-effects of fertilizer-use on their lands, and don’t always care about other, more remote ill-effects on access to clean air, land, water, food and healthy ecosystems. The effect of fertilizer use on their lands is visible only after a long time. By then it is too late.
Project Output: An awareness video in Abhilaksh’s vernacular language (Hindi – Haryanvi dialect) explaining and visually depicting the ill-effects of use of chemical fertilizers. The video also explains the steps that farmers may take to reduce the use of chemical fertilizers.
Project Artifacts:
About Abhilaksh Bhola

I am Abhilaksh Bhola, a boy from a small city in Haryana, a postgraduate in the field of Human Rights law, a person who loves to play sports and trying to bring some change in the environment with the help of law. I hope the ripple effect of every individual working towards the environment reaches the masses.